Thursday, February 12, 2009

New Frontiers In Science - Advances in Dentistry -SEG 350


New Frontiers In Science

Advances in Dental Care

visits the dental office of

Nannette Benedict, D.D.S.

located in Scotts Valley, California,

to look at new digital technology of X-Rays,

Computer manipulation and creation of crowns,

Ceramic teeth in assorted colors

a look at periodontal disease impacted teeth,

and other innovative devices advancing the state of art in Dental Care,

such as a new device that can detect tooth decay before it shows up in X-Rays, and the sanding device able to eliminate the problem while still small, which we hope to film a follow-up demonstration on.

Airing Schedule for SEG 350 on Cable 27, Santa Cruz, California is

Friday, July 10th at 5:30 p.m. and 2 a.m.

for Tuesday,July 14th at 5:30 p.m. and 2 a.m.

Produced and Directed by

Tamara Lynn Scott

These Broadcasts are being made available to all not-for-profit Broadcast Cable Stations nationwide on a no cost for airing basis. They derive all their support, from you, the viewing public. Please consider supporting these works.

DVD copies of these broadcasts are available through the Producer,

Scott Com


Please visit the website:

And please visit the master Broadcast Website where all program content is listed at

Copyright 2009 Tamara Lynn Scott
